Before and After of Elon Musk's Hair Growth (Creative Commons License). |
Elon Musk's many skills involve making electric cars, building rockets, and reviving companies at the brink of bankruptcy. One lesser-known skill of Musk is one that you will only discover by looking back on his old photos. That skill is growing hair.
These days, Musk carries around a full head of hair, unlike in the past when his hair only grew toward the back of his head, exposing a receding hairline. Since everything about Musk is legendary and must have a conspiratorial flavor, this hair regeneration has led to theories of the world's richest man aging backward.
The truth, however, is not as intriguing as you might think.
But first, why would Musk want to grow back his hair instead of sporting a villain-esk, slick bald head?
To find a suitable answer to this question, consider another question; would Musk have been as charismatic with the hair that is seen in his older photos? That is debatable, but first impressions matter a lot. For a personality that has a cult following, cultivating an exciting and inspiring look is important.
Musk also appears a lot in the media, so he has plenty of opportunities for the public and paparazzi to scrutinize what he looks like. So, looks are most certainly important for the world's richest man.
Whatever the reason for Musk wanting his hair back, his billions of dollars allowed him to gain his hair back at whatever the cost, a way of life many of us can only dream of.
So, what has Musk's hair journey been like? His photos from early years give us some clues.
Musk started his life with full hair, but looking closely would tell any observer the young lad would run into hair troubles in his lifetime, as the hair was thin and lost density as you approached the crown.
As he grew into his teenage years and tried to sell his first software product, Musk's hair had started receding visibly, and by the time he founded PayPal, his crown had started shedding hair strands at an alarming rate, despite attaining billionaire status. Musk's hair conditioning would only get worse.
It is important to note, that Musk has never revealed the course of treatments he took to remedy his hair loss, but all sources point to him receiving a hair transplant.
However, when you have billions of dollars at your disposal, you can attempt to reverse some of nature's wayward actions. Musk got in touch with a good hair doctor, and voila, he got his lost hair back and a big shot of confidence. It is important to note, that Musk has never revealed the course of treatments he took to remedy his hair loss, but all sources point to him receiving a hair transplant. Regardless of whether it was a hair transplant or hair loss medication, the results proved it to be a success.
You could see Musk got the best team as his newly constructed hairline matched his facial profile, making the outcome look very natural. Going by his new look, Musk must have had around 4000 grafts or transplants to combat his looming baldness.
On the whole, humanity is better off with Musk sporting a full head of hair again.
Elon Musk